Multiplication Calculator

The multiplication calculator finds the product by multiplying two numbers together. Multiplication is an arithmetic operation that involves the repeated addition of the same number.
Multiplication Calculator

What is a × b?

a × b = c


  • The multiplication calculator finds the product by multiplying two numbers together.


  • Multiplication is an arithmetic operation that involves the repeated addition of the same number.
    • For example, if you have 3 bags and each bag contains 4 apples, then you have a total of 12 apples. You can express that math problem in 2 different ways using repeated addition:
      • 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12 apples
      • 4 + 4 + 4 = 12 apples
  • Multiplication can be thought of as a way of simplifying the operation of repeated addition.
  • It is common to use the phrase "times" as a form of shorthand, substitution, replacement, or synonym for the phrase "multiplied by".
    • For example, the following sentences are equivalent:
      • Three times four is twelve.
      • Three multiplied by four is twelve.
  • Multiplying zero with any number results in the product always being zero.
  • Multiplying one with any number results in the product always remaining the original number.
  • Multiplying a negative number with a positive number results in the product always being a negative number.
  • Multiplication is part of the four basic arithmetic operations in mathematics.
  • There are several arithmetic symbols for multiplication:
    • the cross ×
    • the dot
    • the asterisk *

See Also

