Percentage Calculator

This tool offers several different percentage calculators: 1. What is p% of x? e.g. What is 10% of 100? 2. x is what percent of y? e.g. 10 is what percent of y? 3. What is the percentage increase or decrease from x to y? e.g. What is the percentage increase or decrease from 50 to 100?
Percent Of Calculator

What is p% of x?

p / 100 * x = y
Is What Percent Of Calculator

x is what percent of y?

x / y * 100 = p
Percent Increase / Decrease Calculator

What is the percentage increase or decrease from x to y?

(y - x) / x * 100 = p


  • This tool offers several different percentage calculators:
    • What is p% of x?
      • Example: What is 10% of 100?
      • Answer: 10
    • x is what percent of y?
      • Example: 10 is what percent of y?
      • Answer: 10%
    • What is the percentage increase or decrease from x to y?
      • Example: What is the percentage increase or decrease from 50 to 100?
      • Answer: 100%


  • Percentage calculators can be useful for a variety of scenarios, including finance, budgeting, and business.
  • Percentage calculators can help you make more informed decisions by allowing you to quickly and easily compare and contrast different numbers and understand their relationship to one another.
  • Percentage calculators can be used to calculate the percentage of a number.
    • For example, you can use a percentage calculator to determine what 35% of 80 is, which is 28.
  • Percentage calculators can be used to calculate what one number is a percent of another number.
    • For example, you can use a percentage calculator to solve 10 is what percent of 100, which is 10%.
  • Percentage calculators can be used to find the percentage increase or decrease between 2 numbers.
    • For example, if the price of a product increases from $10 to $12, you can use a percentage calculator to determine that the price has increased by 20%.

